Grant-Writing Tips
K-INBRE Principal Investigator Dr. Doug Wright discusses crafting a competitive NIH grant application in this informative webinar. We suggest you check it out for some extra help when applying for our award mechanisms!
Bridging Grants
Bridging grant proposals are reviewed by external reviewers, with the major criteria being the importance and strength of the science and the likelihood of developing successfully into an NIH-funded project. Aspects to be considered are the priority score and adequacy of the responses to the reviewers.
Core Facility Support
Core Facility grant proposals will be evaluated in terms of importance to the institutional and state biomedical research initiatives.
CURE Awards
One mission of the NIH-funded Kansas IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (Kansas INBRE) grant is to increase research activities using the classroom. These activities are referred to as Curriculum-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CURE) and should increase student participation in research and enhance faculty efforts in conducting NIH-related biomedical research. We are looking to award many CURE awards (particularly to PUIs, but non-PUIs are also eligible) to satisfy this initiative.
Data Science Core - PUI Awards
Another mission of the NIH-funded Kansas IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (Kansas INBRE) grant is to enhance data science research at PUIs. These awards support data science training and research at the PUIs. These collaborative 1-year Data Science Core - Primarily Undergraduate Institution (DSC-PUI) grants involve PUI faculty/students and one or more DSC team members to execute a data science-focused research project. The DSC will work with PUI applicants to design a study that best addresses the question of interest and effectively uses the DSC's expertise. Successful applicants will receive funding to cover research costs (e.g., student stipends, kits/consumables) and access to our team's computational resources and expertise. No mandatory calendar year effort required.
Developmental Research Project Awards
After a competitive review, the K-INBRE Awards and Incentives Committee awards Developmental Research Project Awards to new faculty with outstanding research proposals in the scientific focus of the K-INBRE: biomedical research. A grant submission is expected by the end of the 2 year award.
Recruitment Packages
Recruitment package grant criteria will include (1) institutional needs, (2) strength of the applicant, and (3) the probability that hiring this individual will increase the competitiveness of the institution for NIH funds.
Spring Pilot Project Awards
Yet another mission of the NIH-funded Kansas IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (Kansas INBRE) grant is to strengthen the NIH-related biomedical research at PUIs through the administration of the Summer PUI Research Investigator Grant (SPRING) Pilot Projects. The SPRING Pilot Projects are designed to support research primarily in the summer months and enhance student participation in research.
*All funding opportunities are contingent on future awards from the NIH.